I know how much you rely on your computer systems. Many times you don’t realize how much you rely on them until they are not working properly or completely down. Knowing how important your systems are, I make every effort to turn-around your repair on one or two days.
Over time, you may notice your computer getting slower and slower. Before investing in a new computer, there are various upgrades that can help. Adding more memory is a common upgrade that can make your older computer act new again. Also, replacing the hard drive with a faster one can also increase the speed of an older computer. More drastically, if a computer has been loaded with tons of software that’s no longer needed, a software rebuild might be in order. First, a complete backup is done to save your data (ie. contacts, email, documents, pictures, music, financial data, etc…). next, the hard drive is completely wiped clean, then the operating system is reinstalled, along with any software you need (ie. Microsoft Office, Quicken, Quickbooks, etc…). Lastly, your data is restored.
Are you ready to buy a new computer but confused by all of the options available? I can help you every step of the way. First, we will discuss your specific needs. Many times people will spend way too much on a computer when they only need something more basic. Other times, people inadvertently purchase a computer that doesn’t have the horsepower to meet their needs, and as a result they are frustrated by the poor performance.
Computer installation, upgrades, and repair are only a few of the services I offer. I can also help you select and install any peripherals you need, such wireless routers, printers, wireless keyboards and mice, and data back up solutions.
To add to your convenience, instead of unhooking your computer and hauling it across town, I’ll come to you! Services can be done on evenings and weekends, so you are not inconvenienced by having to leave work or re-arrange your schedule to be home during normal business hours. Call or email me today!